Wednesday, December 31, 2008

SOOO... Mike and I have talked for a long time about every Christmas (and all year for that matter) adopting a family or charity ect... This year, one of my personal resolutions is to do more of these types of things. I personally feel not only does it do a lot of great things for those of us that are less fortunate, but it helps us (and our children) appreicate the things we have WAY more and helps us to not get caught up in the material soooo much. By posting this I hope it is a way for ALL of you to hold me personally responsiable to KEEPING my resolution!! I plan on posting to keep you all up to date with our progress and to hopefully give everyone some inspiration and ideas of things we can all do. I am by no means planning on doing as much as I would hope I could do but just little bits! Next year for Christmas instead of buying gifts for everyone (except for the kids) we hope to adopt a family like ours. I encourage any one who wants to join in this to do so, also feel free to come to me if u need info, or would like to donate. This is gonna be A GREAT YEAR!!! Happy New Years everyone feel free to comment on all of your resolutions!!