Thursday, November 27, 2008

Yay!!! Here they are the infamous photo's that I have been talking about and waiting for I promise I will stop talking about them! Thank you as usual

As like a lot of people like to do on Thanksgiving I wanted to talk about some things I am thankful for this year.
I am thankful for screaming babies at 3am, poopy diapers that not only fill the diaper but go all the way up the back and all the way down the leg (if you've every changed one of my boys diapers you know yesit is possiable), I am thanjful for a screaming baby everytime I put him down, and of course a baby that desides he wants his bottle an hour early when I am stuck in traffic and am 20min away from home (which is eternity a screaming baby).
Why you ask would you choose those things to be thankful for? Monday I was feeling miserable as I was up a total of 3 hours the night before with a teething baby and feeling a little hormonal as us women do sometimes ;). I took Michael to his P.T. appt (he has a minor neck condition and should grow out of it by about his 1st birthday) and as I am sitting there talking to this lady that is telling me how beautiful he is and I started to cry a little this women was there with her son who was probebly about 7 yrs old and she was talking with his physical therapist about how excited she is because they got him to blink in response to her and her husband. This little boy will never walk, never talk, eat, or do anything on his own and this women is so happy! How dare I be upset about a few missed hours sleep in comparison to what she goes through on a daily basis, and what she wont get to go through (like the first bump on the head from his first fall from walking).
In short this women was my angel for this Holiday season so I ask we all think of those who are worse off then us and remember them. I know it seems like with jobs lost and markets the way they are it seems hard to do, but I know I have my family a great husband who take care of me and loves his son to the core, and food on the table in front of me. What more could I ask for??
Happy Thanksgiving everyone I love you all have a wonderful day eating with our families (yes even if they are crazy and drama filled we will tke um'). ----Lisa

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Well.....last month when we went to Michael's dr. (for a normal checkup) he casually mentioned to me that if he hadnt already Michael will probebly start to show signs of separation anxiety (SA). Well I didn't say this to him I didn't want to insult a man of his intellagence but "not my Michael", I said to myself. Not the little baby who is perfectly content playing by himself on the livingroom floor while I start dinner or playing in his highchair peacefully. That SA crap is for high strung babies with high strung mommies (unlike myself ;).
Apperently high strung mommies only get this way from going through the SA phase!!
This picture I took after I walked out of Michael's sight, (I was trying to capture the screaming face but he stops as soon as he see's me).

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Michael went as a bumble bee for halloween. BEE HAPPY--and he was for sure (mostly). Michaels whole room is bumble bees so we decided to stick with that idea for his first halloween. He did get some candy and dont worry I know he is to little to eat it so I did =). It was an amazing day for it, it was sunny all day and actually got warm, so warm that we had to keep taking off his costume cuz he got too hot!! That never happens around here!! As a kid I can remember trick or treating in snow a few times.

Poltergiese action!

TRICK-OR-TREAT? I think this one is a treat for sure!
Here we are at the apple orchard and the pumpkin patch last Friday (Oct.24th). Tara and a WHOLE BUNCH of family and friends to take our pictures ( god bless her!!!). It was a great day minus a little wind but who doesnt love the rosey cheeks and flowing hair look. Tara was in her "zone" and yet still managed to smile and laugh all day! Michaels auntie Stacy came with us too, she took some pics for her class thats she is taken. I will definately be sure to post some of theirs later when I get them as I am sure they are a thousand times better then mine.

Tara in her "zone".

Taking a break with my boy!

Upside down baby!