Wednesday, October 15, 2008

So this past Sunday (October 12th, 2008). We started our Mauro family dinners again. (We take them off during the summers) We went to nana's and papa's house for an amazing dinner of pork chops and mac n cheese (nana of course did all the cooking) and then papa took all of us thats right all 15 of us to the pumpkin patch. We went on a hay ride, did a corn maze and had popcorn and cider! It was right in the middle of our Indian summer we usually get so it was 75 and sunny. Everytime we have gone in the past it is drizzle and chilly so it was a nice change! And of course with all of the aunts, uncles and nana and papa around mommy and daddy got a nice break! Thanks for a great day Mauro's!

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