Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ok so I am in big trouble, on Wednesday we went to an appointment, and as we are sitting in the waiting room there were three women, and of course all of them were googling and cooing all over my boy ( I have no idea why ;). After a few minutes they politely went back to reading their magazines. Well my boy not liking the fact that no one was looking at him anymore ( I have no idea why and where he gets that from!) He started to lay it on thick with the cheese smiles and a couple of coo's for good measure. Well all of that to no avail he soon buried his head into my chest and started to scream (not cry), scream as much as his little lungs would allow! Don't let his size fool you his "little" lungs pack quite a punch. After a couple minutes he slowly peaked his little head out from under my chest and with a pout on his face peaked over to where those three women were sitting, and of course they are all now looking up and over at him. WELL let me tell you he put that cheesy smile back on his face and started to tell those women a funny little story! At least he thought it was funny! HELP ME I AM IN TROUBLE AND I CANT GET ENOUGH!!!!
---- LOL

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