Monday, January 5, 2009

OMG!!! This is so much harder than I thought!! I was thinking I would call a few places and of course with such a need out there, they would immediatly say yes come volunteer!! Not the case. Apperently you have to pass a rigourse course of applications and interviews and background checks, to volunteer!(kinda of like trying to get a job). And not to mention I have called and or emailed numerous place with no responses. I dont get it I see all the time how these types of places need us, need our support and here I am trying to give it to them and noda!!!!!!! I guess I will have to go to these places(i wont name who) and bang on their door and beg them to volunteer! Ok, now that I got that off my chest I am going to keep working at it, just had a moment of frustration. Any suggestions let me know :)

1 comment:

Denise said...

Tim has had the same problem! With his job, Pae-Tec gave him some money to donate to a charitable organization. He made some calls to a few organizations, offered to volunteer, and make a contribution, but he did not receive one call back. I guess they don't need the help. Check the newspaper, sometimes they list organizations that need volunteers. Good luck!