Sunday, March 22, 2009


Here is Michael and his "cousin" Antonio taking a bath at our house the other night. Antonio is the son of his "Uncle" Vinny(Michael's godfather) and "Auntie" April.
He is an amazing little boy! Very well behaved...the poor guy puts up with Michael always wanting what he has and he very nicely lets him have it with little protest!
Thank You Antonio for putting up with baby Michael and being such a big boy with him :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Well with a litle beak in the weather this week I had a craving for one of my FAVORITE foods. WATERMELON!! Mike and I have been know to eat this and only this for days straight when its hot in the summer. Here is some pics of Michaels first go at it. He loved it! Especially off of my newly mopped floor...I didnt mind the sticky mess though it was worth it!
I am definately ready for summer and this sweet treat was a nice little taste of it...I hear they are calling for snow later this week...

Monday, March 16, 2009

March Resolution Update!

Ok I kinda feel like I have cheated this month BUT I am counting it. Vera House is a great organization for women. They help take women who are in abussive relationships and get them out quickly.
I USED to think these women make their own bed...if they wanted out they could get out...that they somehow liked the drama...I have grown-up a little in my way of thinking. We All find our selves in good, bad, and ugly situations on a daily basis. Weather it be a side street that is a little darker than we thought, an abusive relationship, helping a friend who maybe doesnt desirve help. But we get through either by smarting up or with the help of others.
A lot of these women have kids and have to leave so quickly they only have the clothes they are wearing. Most of them have to cut off contact from not only the one who is hurting them but their friends and family, for awhile so they arent found. How awful!
Vera House helps them shelter, clothes, food and anything else the may need along the way. They are always in need of personal heigene products, diapers for babies. And what we call the neccestities..socks, underwear, toothbrush, toothpaste for kids and their mothers.
I being a hairdresser get TONS of hair products a year a lot of them are either samples or sold at a very reasonable cost. I usually give these to friends, family and clients throughout the year. I boxed up all my extra products left over from Christmas and took it over to Vera House. It was mostly shampoo and conditioner that were smaller sizes too so I thought it would be easy for them to move around (a lot of these women have to go to shelters before they can a find something more permanant).
Well thats my update for this month!! Thanks for everyone being supportive in my little pet project and helping me finds things to do!!